Positive Actions
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© 2023 The Positive Effect — hello@positiveeffect.org
A mother, grandmother & friend living with HIV
A mother, grandmother and friend living with HIV who counts her daily blessings...
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“This type of support… changed my outlook and it changed my life.”
“This type of support… changed my outlook and it changed my life.”
“This type of support… changed my outlook and it changed my life.”
“This type of support… changed my outlook and it changed my life.”
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“…growing up positive you always have one foot out the back door."
“…growing up positive you always have one foot out the back door."
“…growing up positive you always have one foot out the back door."
“…growing up positive you always have one foot out the back door."
Have an HIV story to tell?
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"I found myself telling my story...It made me feel safe with my own people."
"I found myself telling my story...It made me feel safe with my own people."
"I found myself telling my story...It made me feel safe with my own people."
"I found myself telling my story...It made me feel safe with my own people."
Have an HIV story to tell?
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“When it was a secret, the darkness was consuming me."
“When it was a secret, the darkness was consuming me."
“When it was a secret, the darkness was consuming me."
“When it was a secret, the darkness was consuming me."
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